Teen street dance

Hip-Hop, House, and more: Street Dance Styles for Teens

Street Dance Guide

If you're a teenager looking for a fun and high-energy class look no further than Street Dance classes here at RISE Dance! Street Dance contains a diverse range of dance styles, meaning that there is something for everybody in our Street Dance classes. Each style brings its own flair and vibe, allowing you to find your inner rhythm and express your personality on the dance floor.

Performance, Medals and Competitive Opportunities
Our annual Medal Test Examinations, performances as well as numerous competitions throughout the year give everybody the opportunity to achieve, shine and be celebrated, demonstrating your new skills and inspiring others.

What can I expect?

street dance lessons in leeds

Here at RISE Dance you will learn several sub-disciplines of Street Dance such as:

Hip-Hop: Hip Hop dance incorporates various movements, such as locking and popping, and has become an increasingly popular choice for performances and music videos.

Locking: Locking is a funk dance featuring fun moves like wrist rolls and freezing on the spot. Its vibrant energy makes it a crowd-pleasing dance style.

House: House Dance is a fusion of Latin, African, and martial arts, giving House Dance its unique edge and allowing you to improvise and freely express yourself. 

Waacking: Waacking emerged as an expressive dance style providing a form of self-expression incorporating strong and dynamic arm movements that give the impression of striking an object.

Commercial Dance: If high-energy and sass are your forte, Commercial Dance is tailor-made for you. This style challenges traditional dance constraints to let dancers loosen up and experiment with moves from various genres.

What else do i need to know

Once you’re signed up to a class, what do you need to know to prepare for your first session? 

First of all, you'll need to wear appropriate clothing and footwear for dancing. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes that fit securely and do not have too much grip. Trainers for example are fine to start with. We do not recommend sandals or flip flops as they can easily fall off when dancing. If you decide further down the line that you would like to invest in some dance shoes a member of our team can advise on that.

The same goes for clothing, choose something you are comfortable in and that you can move freely in, loose clothing or sportswear is ideal.