Sequence Dance

Sequence dancing - embracing elegance and rhythm!

A Guide to Modern Sequence Dancing

Are you ready to learn a new style that you will find at many social dance events? Or that you can take to the Ballroom on a cruise ship, and even the famous dance floors of Blackpool Tower? Then you may be interested in Modern Sequence dancing. With its classy style and set sequences you will find this style far and wide and will be able to join in wherever you go!

At RISE dance we offer specialised classes in Modern Sequence dancing for both beginners and more advanced dancers. In this guide we will go through some popular examples of this style and explain what you need to know to take part yourself.

What is Modern Sequence Dance?

modern sequence dance classes in leeds

Modern Sequence dance is a combination of many popular Ballroom and Latin dances with a more modern twist built upon the Classical Sequence dances. Modern Sequence dances are usually performed in a circular path around the room. Each individual dance has a set routine that are generally known around the world so they are easy to learn and easy to make use of wherever you find yourself.

At RISE Dance, there are several fun and popular dances that we love to perform and teach as part of our classes. Along with many more dance styles, we’ve got the steps covered!

Sally Ann Cha Cha

If you have visited a social dance event then you are bound to have come across the Sally Ann Cha Cha at some point. This is one of the most popular Sequence dances and it is a great starting point for your Modern Sequence dancing skills. The Sally Ann Cha Cha is a Latin America based routine so it is full of Latin flair!

modern sequence dance classes in leeds
modern sequence dance classes in leeds

Rumba One

Rumba One is another popular Sequence dance that takes Rumba steps into a well organised and fun to perform routine. The Rumba dancing style is passionate and romantic and these traits translate well to the Modern Sequence version of the dance. With its calm movements it is a gentle dance that you will find enjoyable on many dance floors.

Melody Foxtrot

Another Modern Sequence dance we enjoy teaching in our classes is the Melody Foxtrot. This sequence includes graceful movements with as well as some intricate steps. Based on traditional Foxtrot, this sequence contains long, flowing movements. The Melody Foxtrot is a great sequence dance for beginners to get involved in.

Tango Serida

As the name suggests, Tango Serida is based around traditional Tango steps with some extra moves added to the routine. This dance involves spins and a mixture of sharp and smooth movements. The Tango Serida is a fiery dance with a lot of energy and is great fun to perform with your partner.

Expert Instruction

RISE Dance is proud of our team of highly skilled and experienced instructors. We possess a wealth of knowledge of Modern Sequence dancing and are passionate about sharing our knowledge. With our guidance, dancers at RISE Dance receive top-notch instruction, tailored feedback, and individual attention to help you reach your full potential.

How can I Get Started?

Now that we have gone over the basics of what Modern Sequence entails, how can you get involved yourself? 

The best way to get started in Modern Sequence dancing is to join one of our beginners classes. Here at RISE Dance, we have new classes starting regularly. Our beginners Classic and Modern Sequencing classes will cover the popular Sequence dances of “Sally Ann Cha Cha”, “Rumba One”, “Melody Foxtrot” and “Tango Serida”.

We will also go through other modern Sequencing dances as you progress in the classes. You'll learn basic steps initially which will eventually fit together to form the routines and sequences of these dances. We teach our beginners classes at a pace suitable for newcomers which we find helps to build confidence. At RISE Dance, there is no judgement in your dancing level or proficiency as we know everybody has to start somewhere.

What else do i need to know

If you have decided to sign up to one of our classes, what do you need to know to prepare for your first session? 

Our first piece of advice is to wear appropriate clothing and footwear for dancing. Make sure especially to wear comfortable shoes that fit securely and do not have too much grip. Plimsolls for example are great to start with. We do not recommend sandals or flip flops as these can easily fall off when dancing or cause you to trip.

If you decide further down the line that you would like to invest in some dancing shoes, a member of our team will be more than happy to advise on appropriate footwear. There is no need for formal ballroom shoes at the beginners stage as the important thing is learning the steps and having a good time.

The same is true for clothing. You should choose clothing that is comfortable to wear and easily to move freely in. Loose clothing or sportswear make the perfect dancing clothing for beginners.

There is no need to buy anything specific for the class, especially not formal dancing attire. Many of our couples enjoy getting dressed up for our social events, but there is never any specific dancewear required at a social level.