Strictly Come Dancing: From Spectator to Hitting the Dance Floor

As we head towards Autumn, there is one thing that many of us eagerly anticipate – the return of Strictly Come Dancing to our TV screens. This beloved British television show has been a staple of Saturday night entertainment for years, captivating audiences with its dazzling display of dance, celebrity partnerships, and glittering costumes. For many, it’s a spectator sport, an opportunity to admire the incredible talent of professional dancers and celebrities alike. However, what is misunderstood by most people is that dancing isn’t just for the professionals; it’s something that anyone can partake in, and is far more accessible and less intimidating than you might think.

The Excitement for the Return of Strictly Come Dancing!

Towards the second half of every year the excitement for Strictly Come Dancing builds to a fever pitch. The show’s return is eagerly awaited, with fans across the nation planning their Saturday nights around the glitz and glamour of the ballroom. The anticipation for the celebrity line-up, the stunning choreography, and the witty banter of the judges starts to sweep the nation. It is easy to see why many view Strictly as a spectator sport – a dazzling display of talent and charisma that provides us with an escape from our daily lives.

Seeing Dance as a Spectator Sport

For some, watching dance shows like Strictly Come Dancing may create a divide between the performers and the audience. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that dance is reserved for professionals or those who have been training since childhood. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Dance is a universal art form that transcends age, ability, and experience. It’s not just for the experts on the stage; it is pastime that can be enjoyed by anyone willing to give it a try.

Breaking Down Barriers

Dancing can seem intimidating at first, especially if you’ve never tried it before. The thought of stepping onto a dance floor and moving your body to music can be daunting. But the beauty of dance is that it doesn’t require perfection; it’s about self-expression and enjoyment. There are many ways to make dance more accessible and less scary for those who want to dip their toes into this world of movement.

1. Dance Classes: Local dance studios and community centres often offer beginner dance classes that cater to all skill levels. These classes provide a supportive environment where you can learn at your own pace and meet like-minded individuals who share your interest in dance.

2. Online Tutorials: With so many online platforms there are a wealth of online dance tutorials and instructional videos available. These resources allow you to practice in the comfort of your own home, building confidence at your own pace before you attend a physical class or lesson.

3. Social Dancing: Many places have social dance events or clubs that welcome newcomers. These events provide an excellent opportunity to practice what you’ve learned in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

4. Dance for Fitness: If you’re not quite ready to hit the dance floor for fun, consider dance fitness classes like FitSteps. These can help you build stamina and confidence while getting fit.

As we eagerly await the return of Strictly Come Dancing, it’s important to remember that dancing is not just a spectator sport. It’s a joyful and accessible activity that anyone can participate in, regardless of age or experience. So, the next time you find yourself captivated by the glitz and glamour of the ballroom on TV, consider taking your own dance journey. Whether you’re Waltzing, Salsa-ing, or simply moving to your favourite tunes in your living room, dancing is open to all who are willing to take that first step onto the dance floor.

This Autumn why not let your inner dancer free! For more information on how we can be part of your dance story and start you off on the right path you can email us at where we are always happy to help.